Sunday, April 10, 2011

My People, My Life, My World

It has been a while since my last post for many reasons, One-I'm swamped with school work, class, and work. Two-Nothing exciting was happening. Three-I forgot! But tonight I have something to post.

I have been accepted to Emporia State and I will be attending in the Fall. I tried it out at KU but I have not enjoyed it enough to continue attending. I am quite aware that this is because of my lack of desire to push myself and I am being lazy. I am sure if I pushed myself I'd be okay but I don't want to push myself. I have decided life is too short to not do what you want to do and to make yourself unhappy. I am alright at KU but I prefer to be home and closer to my family so I am transfering. I was accepted as an undergrad majoring in Sociology with a focus on Crime and Delinqent Studies....I have no idea if this is what I actually want to do or not.

Tonight I was driving back to Lawrence after a great weekend with my family and I was happy. I know there are times when I complain or whine about things going on in my life but it is half-hearted. I really am happy and I am very thankful for everything I have. I know that every decision-large or small-has lead me to the point I am at this very second. I am learning what I need to let go and what I need to pick through in order to get past it and to grow to my fullest potential. This of course would not be possible without the fantastic people in my life. I am so blessed to have so many who care. It hit me this weekend that while I obsess over the shitty people who I have encountered in the past I have amazing people who should have my attention...and that My People far out number the Shitty People so I'm going to attempt at a new outlook. I'm going to call it....

My People, My Life, My World
 This is will use from now on when I feel out of control! I will remember that it is in my control and what I do is my choice-noone elses!

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