Thursday, February 10, 2011


I have been sick these past few days and I have been really out of it. I am not much better today but I managed to get in 3 naps, a load of drugs, and a few nice long talks with a few friends. I can not say today was very productive on the homework front though. I have not had the energy to focus on anything except getting better. It really blows to have the flu. I only remember one other time that I had it and I was something like 5 or 6 and really the only thing I remember from that is being really cold the whole time. Absolutely terrible.

Why is it when you are sick everything tastes and smells funny. I really wanted cheddar broccoli soup and i made it but it smelt odd and when I tasted it I was immediately put off. Not fun. So sadly I did not eat my soup.

Here is a crafty picture of my Medicine
Anyway I have little else to say except for I'm going to watch a movie and go to sleep!

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