Sunday, February 6, 2011


Have you ever sat back and thought about what protects our hearts? Not the literal heart which pumps blood through your body, but the figurative heart which sits close to your physical heart. The one which allows you to feel emotions whether the emotion be pain, joy, sadness, happiness, love, hate, or contentment. What protects it? Unlike other things (for lack of a better word) which reside in our bodies our "heart" is not something which can be protected by bones, skin, or white blood cells. It is unprotectable in this I ask again, "what protects our hearts?" Can it be our frame of mind? Can it be our life experiences? Or does it simply have its own defenses?

I feel it is a combination of all three of my proposals. How you set your mind up to perceive something does a great deal as to how you feel something. My mind set on various topics effect how I feel in regard to them. In addition I also feel our life experiences set up the foundation for our "heart's" protection. What you have gone through helps shape how you see things and thus how you in turn feel them. And in a round about way one could consider the "heart" has its own defenses which it sets up...based on frame of mind and past experiences. So I think the "heart" is protected by life. From the day you are born to now you have experienced things and done things which have shaped how your heart deals with day-to-day pressures and emotions.

Now, what your heart feels is a different matter. While I think you can train your "heart" to protect itself based on the things you have done and gone through I do not think you can train your "heart" in what it feels. Everyone feels the same, sadness, happiness, love, hate, mirth, and loathing....everyone of these emotions are universal and are felt by everyone. It does not matter gender, race, religious views, sexual orientation, or age...all feelings are universal. Moreover, you can not tell your "heart" what to feel. It feels on its own accord and will not be swayed because of what you desire or what you have been told or what another person wants you to feel. Your "heart" feels completely on its own without interference from outside itself. It is because of this I think that your emotions are the only true and singular thing about a person. It is the one thing which is not tampered by an outside force. Now while I say this I must say that I am not trying to discount my earlier statement of how feeling is universal. I stand by that statement and I do not say that we are unique in that sense but we are unique in our own ways of how we feel. Not what we feel.

I may be talking in circles because it is so late but this is what was in my head. So I hope you enjoyed.

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