Monday, February 14, 2011

St. Valentine

It is only appropriate that today's post be about Valentines Day because today is Valentines Day. Every February 14th millions of red roses are bought and thousands of pounds of chocolate is bought to be given to wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends, friends, and family.

I still think that it is a money making scheme but it does hold some value. It does make us take time to pause and think about those we love and take some time to say 'I love you'. This is my second most special Valentines Day. The first would be back in 2008 when my first boyfriend Joel asked me out. I thought it was cute and rather special that he asked me that day. So that takes the cake for best but today is a close second. While I have been asked out once on Valentines Day I have never (until today) received a Valentine. I expected to day to be like every other one...Valentine-less. I was proven wrong this afternoon.

My Grandmother had just texted me asking me if I had received any Valentines today and I was in the process of texting her back "no-I have no one who would send me one". Just as I was getting ready to send the text Hillary (a girl staying in Watkins with me) knocked on my door and told me that I had some flowers. I told her that she must have the wrong Jessie because no one would send me flowers....she then said that they had to be for me because there was only one Jessie Olsen-Stice living in this house. So I took the flowers and set them down smiling....I read the card. They were from my Grammy and Grampy.

I was delighted to have gotten something! So this is a thank you to my Grammy and Grampy for giving me my first Valentine! I love you both so very much! You have no idea what these beautiful flowers mean to me.

              Happy Valentines Day to my Friends and of course my Family. I love you all so much!!!!

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