Saturday, January 29, 2011

Alec et Colton

Today's post is about my cousins Alec and Colton.  Alec is 4 months old and is currently in Stormont Vail in Topeka battling with pneumonia and RSV. He and his brother, Colton, have respiratory problems and both receive breathing treatments twice a day and both have been in the hospital this weekend. Alec went to the Burlington hospital on Friday and then was sent by ambulance to Topeka because Burlington did not have what was necessary to care for Alec. Late that night Colton was also brought to the Burlington hospital because he was having similar breathing problems. Colton fought a good fight and was released from the hospital yesterday. Alec is a bit sicker than Colton and is still in the hospital putting up his fight. The doctors say he is going to get worse before getting better but we all have hope that Alec will pull through as strongly and as well as Colton.
Alec William Stice

Please keep my cousin and my family in your prayers as Alec battles his pneumonia and RSV.

I love you, Alec.

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