Friday, January 14, 2011


I am having a rough time today with people being mean....A friend of mine is locked up and serving time for something that he does need to serve time for but the way everyone is treating him is unacceptable. He is being treated less than everyone else and like his thoughts and feelings do not matter. No matter how badly someone messes up or how many mistakes they make they still deserve the basic respect all humans deserve.

The mistake does not define who you are....what defines you is how you respond to the mistake and how you decide to handle the consequences. My friend has been very respectful and has taken the consequences without complaint. Sadly this is not being used to his advantage and the judicial system is still treating him like someone not worth their time and effort. NOT OK! He is still a person who has feelings and deserves respect. Don't be mean to others and quit passing judgment on them based on why they are in trouble. Look at who they really are.

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