Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Somnus et Nutella!!

Nutella Thief!!!!
I have been working very diligently today to get as much accomplished as possible. I was able to go to class today, go to work and train the new house manger, Matthew, go to the book store and get the rest of my books, go tanning (where I burnt), then go to the Library where I was able to knock several assignments out and then come back to Watkins. Upon arriving back at the Hall I was I little tired and had time to sit an do nothing so I watched 'The Last Song' with Miley Cyrus in it. I am fond of that movie...actually I preferred the book to the movie which is typical because I LOVE to read...(I think i found tomorrows topic!). I am not the biggest fan of Miley and I don't think she was the best candidate to play the role of Ronnie but what do I know?!

Upon completing that movie I was able to go do my Phone Duty Shift and while doing so got a reading assignment out of the way. Dinner was eventful as always...our kitchen has the best conversations. Today was about a multitude of things but centered on the fact that someone keeps waking up Kaitlyn, one of my kitchen mates, at 5 A.M. by shaking her leg and then running off after she sits up....Who the hell does that?!?! I mean if you are going to wake someone up then okay but why do it in such a weird way and why do you do it without due cause? Why run away? Why keep doing it? WHY BE SUCH A CREEP?!  I have decided that the creeper doing that to Kaitlyn is also the Nutella Thief....story be hind that is last semester Nutella (which is a chocolaty hazelnut spread) was mysteriously disappearing out of peoples cupboards in their kitchens. Like a big spoonful here and there and then eventually I think jars started turning up missing. And along with that they were stealing peanut butter as well...once a half loaf of bread went missing too. One may think that this person is just hungry but I think not. There is emergency food here in the hall and anyone of us would be willing to give them food if they asked...not to mention they were taking 'sweets'. Not what a hungry person would take. Anyway, so now I think I will be paranoid about someone coming around to wake me up at 5 in the morning...if that happens and I'm asleep....God better have mercy on their souls. I don't sleep well enough as it is, I don't need some creepy Nutella thief waking me up in my 3 hours of slumber. So if you are reading this Mrs. Nutella Creeper......don't come near me...thanks!

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