Sunday, January 9, 2011


I was inspired by a friend of mine to start my own blog....I guess the purpose of this blog is to simple say whatever comes to mind and see what comes of it. I would like to post something daily...having said that I'm not sure it will happen because the semester is getting ready to being once again and I should have less time on my hands....should. Alas, I am not sure how much time classes, homework, work, and socializing will take this semester. We will find out :)

My friend adds a picture a day to her she has taken...I am going to do the same I think but they will not always be picture I have taken. I think I will use a picture which I see, have, find, take which I think I want to for today I have selected a picture of myself. This picture was taken of me about a year and a half ago but still is a good representation of what I look like. :)

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