Thursday, January 20, 2011


Today has been a rather uneventful day because my family has the Flu...its awesome! NOT! We are trying to purge our house of the sickness but I am not sure that we have done it in time for me to not get it. I am coughing and getting stuffed up and havin chills. So I guess if I am destined to have it I will and I will get over it I just don't want to bring it to my fellow Watkins Women when I get back to Lawrence. On that note I will also say that because of the weather and roads I have not made it back to Larryville and more than likely wont until this weekend. I hope to make it back by Saturday because prolonging my exit from Emporia will not make it any easier to leave.

Our Moon
Today's picture is of the moon this is a beautiful harvest moon and I felt deserved special note tonight. I love to just stare up at the night sky and wonder what is going on so far above and around me. I find it crazy that most of the light we see in the night sky has been traveling for hundreds of makes me feel so small and makes me see just how big the world really is.

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