Tuesday, January 18, 2011


It has been a few days since my last post and the reason for this is because I could not find something to write about which was worthy of a post. I would rather not post "i have nothing to say" and waste a perfectly good post and day so I have waited until I had something worthy to post. And so today the topic is "home".

I use to feel that Home was the house where my family was or where I felt safest and happiest. This is true to an extent but more than just that my Home is my Family. Without them there is no home. While I have lived in many places, many states, and with many people nothing has ever come close to the feeling I have with my family and while I have only lived one place with my family I know that if we move I will still feel the same. The feelings of happiness, contentment, being safe and loved is not held in whatever house we happen to live in but it resides within us as a family.

It is now time for my Christmas/Winter break to come to an end and I am filled with an overwhelming sense of sadness which no matter how I try nor how many times I am told it will be okay the feeling does not subside. I have to leave my hometown of Emporia and travel the 80 some miles north east to Lawrence where I go to school at the University of Kansas. I have a great job, stimulating classes, enjoyable company, and plenty to do but I still do not feel the desire or want to go back. Every time it comes time for me to pack up some clothes and other essential to go back I get the same feeling of dread. I know that my family will still be here for me, I know my house will still be here as well as my dog, friends, and the other comforts this town holds for me but none of that eases my panic. I wish I could tell you why this happens and tell you what I do to fix it but I have no answers except for I am either dramatic or simply overly homesick.

So what I have to say to you is to embrace the time you have with your family in your home. It is home where you will want to be when you finally "get away". Maybe not to the extent in which I want to be there but a similar feeling will wash over you. I love my home. I love my family. Embrace your family because they are most important. Some people envision their Heavens with beautiful cars, women, or lots of their favorite things. Some envision it with golden gates and clouds high in the sky. I envision mine in my home :)

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