Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sicillum Universitatis Kansiensis!

I have been back at school for just over a day and it has already been pretty eventful. I came back to find all of my belongings which I left over break out of their places and around my room. It was rather odd and I was not sure how to react to it. I then put most of it back into place and then went to Wal-mart to get some food and on my way back to Watkins I found that I could not get back onto campus the way I left because of the game last night...I finally got back to the house and brought my stuff in and got situated. I then spent some time catching up with some other Watkins ladies. I also attempted to set up the internet on my computer yesterday but it did not work which was very frustrating because I rely on the internet for alot when i'm at school. I went to bed and slept fitfully and I attribute that to being back and not sleeping on my couch :) It may surprise some to find that I don't sleep in my bed often. I use to sleep in it often but I just can't do it much anymore...So I sleep upstairs on my family's couch. I sleep very well most times!

University of Kansas....In Latin!
Today was the 150th birthday of the woman who funded the building of the lovely Watkins and Miller Scholarship house's and for this event a birthday party was planned for her. So I had to go buy an outfit for the event because I neglected to bring nice clothes back to School...even after looking at a dress hanging in my closet and saying "I really need to remember that". So I went to JC Penny and got something and went to Lizzie's party with the other Watkins Women. We were able to sit down and read parts of the "Watkins Handbook" from the 40's and I was surprised to find a variety of things in there which are not practiced any longer. Such as not being allowed to be in the livingroom wearing anything that "should not be worn in public" such as sleeping clothes. Others include the kitchens being closed and locked at 10:00 o'clock every night, being up by 7:00 a.m. Monday- Saturday and 8:00 on Sunday's, and the one that I am thankful does not exist  not being allowed to leave Watkins more that one weekend a month. I would not be a very happy camper if that was still the case. There were other odd rules that we all laughed at and could not believe were even rules but I did not take one of the booklets so I can not list any others.

My truck :)
So, tomorrow starts my Spring Semester of my Freshman year in College and I am very excited to get it underway. I don't do well without having things to do and I have a nasty habit of taking my time and over thinking and analyzing things. Which anyone of my close friends or family members can attest to. So it is best I don't have alot of free time on my hands. Which I will not this semester. I am busy and out of the house from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. everyday either in class or at work. And in addition to that I will begin working late nights when my job starts requiring me to House Manage the various University Theatre shows. I just hope that I have enough time and energy to sit down and do the homework required for my classes and am able to keep up....I need to have good grades this semester....cuz I don't want my Mama to kick my butt! :)

Watkins Hall

Today's pictures I did take at the beginning of the Fall Semester. I hope you enjoyed today's post!

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