Saturday, January 15, 2011


Today was an excellent day! I was able to sleep in....until 9:30 at which time I was woken up by a phone call from my little sister who was calling to wish me a great morning and a good day. I then ate a brownie and milk for breakfast and went back to sleep. This afternoon I went to Topeka with my Mom and her "Italy Crew" Laura and Tara (sorry if i misspelt it!) where we were able to do some shopping and go to dinner. It was awesome fun and I enjoyed the time with my Mom.

After yesterday's craziness with my friend and my explosion I decided that I feel I need to become a Probation Officer so to stop stupid stuff from happening to other kids who get caught up in the system. My new major is going to be Sociology with a focus on Delinquent studies. I hope that if this is what I do end up doing I can do some good for the system and for some kids. I mean I know that if they have PO's they have done something which requires them to serve time and to be wrapped up in the judicial system but they still deserve respect from others and I hope that I can maybe help insure that they get it. At least if I am a PO they will get it from me if no one else and at least they have one person behind them urging them to make good decisions and do what is right. I know that having that one person behind you can work wonders for someone....So maybe this is how I can pay it forward.

Pay It Forward

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