Monday, January 10, 2011


Today has turned into a very cold and wet day! We have had about 4 inches of snow fall on our Lovely town of Emporia Kansas and it has everyone in a sleepy mood. I want to curl up and watch movies and drink some hot chocolate!

I enjoy the snow for a short time while it is actually falling and while I am still interested in getting some good pictures of it...after that I am ready for it all to go away without having to deal with the icy roads and slushy streets. This however is not an option and I will cope with the white stuff while it is here. So because of the lovely weather today I was able to go outside and take some time to photograph this lovely winter wonderland.

Wintry Flower

A Cardinal with a Mohawk
The first picture today is of my puppy Stella. My family and I got Stella this past June as a small puppy from her first home which was a dump-for a lack of a better word. We went to go pick out our dog so my sister and I could have our choice of the 4 or 5 puppies of the liter. *as a side note getting Stella was a total surprise which my parents conjured up. I had badgered for a couple months about wanting a dog and on father's day they surprised us with Stella* When we showed up at this house it was hot and muggy -rather uncomfortable to be outside. We followed Stella's previous owner around back of her house to find the dogs in kennel's, in a run, or tied to PVC pipes stuck in the ground. The dogs did not have water, shade, or food. It was so sad. It took my sister and I a short time to narrow it down to the two dogs on PVC pipes and my sister decided between the two. We took Stella home that day even though we originally were just picking that day. We could not leave her there in those conditions. She could not even walk to our car! Now she is a happy and sassy dog who was terrified of the falling snow last night!

Pictures 2 and 3 were taken  in my neighbors yard! I just thought they were cool! Hope you enjoyed my anecdote!

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