Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Today was a good day for my family and I. The Emporia school district closed school due to cold temperatures so my Mom and my Dad did not have to go to work and we all stayed home today. We did not do anything that would be counted as special but it was awesome to just spend a lazy day with my family. Today's picture is of my little sister Lilli. The picture was taken last night before it got dark but I think we can count it as having been taken today. :)

Lilli is 2 so this was the first snow that she was able to actually want to go out and "play" in it so last night I took her out in it and we made snowballs and she made several snow angels after I showed her how. It was pretty cold out and it was still snowing so we were not out for very long but she was able to get a good first encounter with the white stuff. I think she had fun. :-)

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