Thursday, January 13, 2011

Optimus Amicus

Everyone has friends, friends they have had since they were little kids, ones since middle school, crib mates, best friends. I have had my fair share of friends and without them I would be a lost soul. For a long time my friends were my family and they were the first family I had. So today my post is to say thank you to all of my friends. Ones I've had since I moved to Kansas like Carrie Hurlocker and Delano Mendoza to ones I met in theater like Ashley Glover, Lydia Roemer, Kate Haberkorn, Tarah Pearson, Sydney Main, etc. You all are amazing friends and I am so happy to have you in my life.

And I would like to give a shout out to my bestie Jenna Peters or Geena as my sister use to call her :) She has been the best friend anyone can ask for, always by my side and there for me when I need her. She is someone who even tho I am dramatic and a baby at times will be there through and through. I can tell her anything and know that it is safe with her. So thank you Lovedoodle, you're the best. Love ya!!! :)

 <----- Miss Jenna Peters
 Miss Ashely Glover ------->
<------Theatre Kiddo's
 Miss Carrie Hurlocker ----------->
<-------Delano Mendoza

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