Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Before I get to today's topic I need to say that today I had to get my truck "wenched?" (i think thats what the guy called it) out of an icy spot. I was getting in my truck to go get a new phone because I have grown tired of my old one and I wanted new one, so I was getting in my truck to go, started her up, and took the emergency brake off and began to slide rapidly down hill. *for those of you who do not know where I park (which is most of you) it is on a rather steep hill behind the university. It is on Louisiana street for those of you who know Lawrence* Now you may say "jessie you must be retarded" and I would say "yes....sometimes i don't think". The massive amounts of snow that Larryville has has been melting during the day and then refreezing at night...this has created HUGE sheets of ice all over town. It just so happens that my truck was sitting right on top of one. So it was sliding and i put the brake back on just in time to not hit the van right in front of me. I was literally 2 inches from hitting the damn thing. I could not get out of the spot i was in so I had to call a Tow company and get pulled cost $70. And I did not end up getting a phone. Damn!!! So ...yeah. Moral of the story...don't be a dummy like me! Park on a flat street!

So.....Books. I love books! When in doubt....I get a book. When I'm sad...I get a book. When i'm bored...i get a book. They are amazing! If you ever want to get me something...get me a good book or a gift certificate to a book store :)

When I was little I used books mainly as a coping mechanism...I way to get out of the Hell I called my life. I think that is one of the main reasons I am so attached to them still. But I have gained a greater respect for them since I was little. I respect the time and effort that went into writing these books. How long it took for the author to imagine the story and everyone in it, how to make it all work out, how to incorporate feeling that we all can relate to, and how to get it all down in a way that everyone else would know what you were thinking and feeling. Its amazing! I will dive head first into a good book and not come back out for a long time...if I could I would just sit and read all day long. Alas I can not do that for I have to do things called work, and class, and homework.

I love to be able to sit down with my book and forget the world for a little while. Forget my worries and problems. Forget about the drama of life, the constant hurdles, the tasks which are calling my name. I like to become the protagonist in my book and make their lives mine for a little while. I can go places in my books that, even if they are not real, i can feel they are real and I'm there doing what the characters are doing. Ah! I love it so! My personal favorites are fantasy novels that include dragons, elves, wizards, magic, castles, sword combat, tyrant kings, mystical mysteries, and languages the author made up. I am currently reading "Brisinger" by Christopher Paolini which is the 3rd installment of the Inheritance Cycle. It use to be a trilogy but now there is going to be a 4th book...idk when that happened. I LOVE THESE BOOKS! I get so wrapped up in it that I wish that it was all real and I could go jump into the fighting to save the races of Alagaesia.

But I would have to say that my all time favorite is Harry Potter. Anyone who knows anything about me could have said that without much thought or having had to spend that much time with me. I just love everything about Harry Potter and that I wish more than any other book could be real. I love the characters and since I have been reading them since I was in Elementary school I have grown up with Harry by my side...It saddens me that his story has come to an end and the only thing I have left to anticipate is the final movie coming out this summer. I have gotten so wrapped up in Harry Potter that I dream of the Magical World he lives in, I use Harry Potter terminology on the daily basis, I have all of the books and many shirts and other items, and I have cried several times over them. Whether it be because a character died or simply because it was all Some say I'm upsessed...i'm okay with that though.

 It makes me happy.
Books make me happy.
There are 6 books! Great!

Great Books!! Few of my favorite. Garth Nix is Great!

So pick up a book!!!! READ!!! It very well may make your world a little bit better :)

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